Tuesday, April 29, 2008

blog again

hi! what a surprise!! we'll start the blog again in this semester!! and also i was surprised that some members are blogging while spring vacation!! im busy in reading them!! anyway, i can use this blog in writing class and internet english class. thanks mary.jo and caleb!! by the way, the school is starting!! and im in year 2! how fast that a year has past... also the spring vacation!! and what i felt unlucky at first was... we have school on festival holiday this year!! oh god... we cant have lucky monday!! but... anyway, im still a student, so i have to study. think it positively, we can have a extra classes!! ...oh, i cant arrange the paragraph... anyway, i have a lot of HW to do so see ya at the next lesson!!

P.S. im looking for some good music!! if you have recomendation, please tell me!!