Sunday, May 27, 2007


this weekend i had very nice fun time! first on saturday, i had tennis practice with tennis circles members. the weather was so nice but it was tooooooooo hot!! i got sun burned and my skin got very very dark blown color!! oh... i was thinking that i wont get sun burn this year, but... dumn... but i practiced tennis about 7 hours so l was able to hit the ball many many times. and next thing was today, i met my friend of my high school. she was member of tennis club too. we talked a lot about our school life. we ate spagetti at italian restaurant and drank frapetino at starbacks. it was delicious!! i had a toce time with my friend. tomorrow is school day so i have to sleep well!!


misa said...

Yes, this weekend was very hot .
I cant believe summer has't come yet !!
You should bring 2ℓPOCARI SWEAT !!
I've heard that it's good to drink water with few salt .
Have a nice weekend !


Liebe☆Musica said...

7 hours!??? Wow!! I can't believe it!! I don't want to play the piano such a long time. You must be good at tennis very much. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your club.

Caleb said...

You got a tan?? We learned in class today, that having a tan is popular in the US. But getting a sunburn (pink skin) is bad for us. Be careful! I'm afraid I will get skin cancer from too many sunburns....