Saturday, July 21, 2007

last blog

this is our goal of 1st semester and its our last blog. first time i did english blog i was excited, but as i had many homeworks i couldnt make many posts. however i enjoyed making my own blog and i think i enjoyed making diary in english. also i think we made good relation in this blog. even we havent talked yet, we commented each other and got good friend and talked in the class too. and i enjoyed watching calebs kids picture very much! they are soooooooo cute, but i was always wondering if i should make comment or not!ww anyway i though it is good chance to write diary in english, so even this blog ended i maybe write english diary. to caleb: thankyou for your comment on my post. G class members: i enjoyed watching your blog and comment on my blog. lets make good friendship from now on too!! thanks for all reading my blog!!


Liebe☆Musica said...

I enjoyed calebs kids picture too!! They are really soooooo cute ♪ I'll go on to make my blog if this class will finish.


Go G! said...

It's been fun reading your spots.
Thank you for sharing a lot of things with us.

PekiMama said...

Hi!I also enjyoed making my blog and reading G-class members' blogs.Your blogs and comments made me happy.Thanks a lot!Pekimama

Caleb said...

Thanks. I think my kids are cute, too. Am I baka-oya (or is it oya-baka)?

Pink Little Unicorn Mari... Grade
Enough posts (once a week)? 14,
Enough sentences per post (10+)? yes
Two comments other blogs each week)? Maybe?
Having fun &communicating thoughtfully? yes


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Celular, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.