Saturday, July 21, 2007

last blog

this is our goal of 1st semester and its our last blog. first time i did english blog i was excited, but as i had many homeworks i couldnt make many posts. however i enjoyed making my own blog and i think i enjoyed making diary in english. also i think we made good relation in this blog. even we havent talked yet, we commented each other and got good friend and talked in the class too. and i enjoyed watching calebs kids picture very much! they are soooooooo cute, but i was always wondering if i should make comment or not!ww anyway i though it is good chance to write diary in english, so even this blog ended i maybe write english diary. to caleb: thankyou for your comment on my post. G class members: i enjoyed watching your blog and comment on my blog. lets make good friendship from now on too!! thanks for all reading my blog!!

Friday, July 20, 2007


as i said im working a part time job at cram school in ryokuentosi, it is in summer lesson now so we have a lot to do. this week i have to go and teach kids almost every day!! i think ill be tired... anyway im very enjoying teaching kid especially elementary school kids!! they are sooooooooooooo cute and powerful! i thought teacher at the elementary school have to have great energy. my summer vacation plan is almost filled with this part time job and tennis circle. i have to sleep a lot and store the energy!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


i think everyone is strugging with tests. i had my test kyouikusinnri on 17th july. i studied little ate the weekend, but it was soooooo difficult and i couldnt do well on it. im scared of returning the paper. anyway it was my only test i have in the 1st semester. all i have to do this week is making essay for R&R, send school essay to caleb and prepare for word quiz. if you have test this week, do your best to have the good score!!

Thursday, July 5, 2007


today i saw a boy with his mother buying take at the store. the day after tomorrow is tanabata!! i remember the day i and my friend made tanzaku when i was high school studnt. the take was decorated by many tanzaku that almost all classmates made tanzaku. this year ill playing tannis at tanabata day. i think ill watch the night sky when ill be on the way home and search for orihime and orihiko. and ill make a wish to milky way!! what will you wish?? its chance to make a wish so you should think one!!

Friday, June 29, 2007

wimbledon 2007

in 25th of june, wimbledon had started! i was very very looking forward to watch the wimbledon match. it stars at twelve oclock in the midnight on nhk tv, so i have to get up untill three oclock or four oclock in the morning. therefor for few days now, im very sleepy in the day time. im paying attention to federar, nadal and henin! i want to see the final match whitch is in july. if you have a time take a look!! it is very fun to watch sports on tv!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

tennis game

i had the tennis match on saturday. it was my first game at unicorn and it was the game against the another circle in keio university. i had taken part in the game with doubles 1. i was very nervous and i was scared of loosing the game, but i won the game!! i was very happy and also i notice what i had to do from now on. i made little confidence by winnig the match. im looking forward to the next summer match.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

rainy days

yeaterdayi had tennis practice and weather was so dangerous that it would rain but finally it didnt rained till we finished practice. and today rain rain rain..... thonder thonder thonder.... oh i hate rainy day!! in this season, about june to july the tuyu season will come. i hate that season!! the reason why i hate is...... 1.i cant play tennis!! rain is the most bad enemy of tennis!! hair goes bomb!! mioisture makes my hair style bad... felling goes down... i like sunny fresh day!! so im hoping tuyu season end up early!! dont you think so?!

Sunday, June 3, 2007


yesterday was circle day and i had a practice all daylong. and today i was free, but i was sooooo tired of doing anything so i read some book. and also i saw zatoichi. but i have to do my homework!! i didnt do ant homework so there are many of them... but i have tennis and part time job in week days so i have to do it some today! its toooooooo busy!!!! my head goes swift!!! i think i have to do it till midnight and get up eary and do it too.
by the way im shoked of not hearing any sound of hanabi yesterday! i thought it was kakousai yesterday?! hmmmm... any way im looking forward to go hanabitaikai in summer!

Sunday, May 27, 2007


this weekend i had very nice fun time! first on saturday, i had tennis practice with tennis circles members. the weather was so nice but it was tooooooooo hot!! i got sun burned and my skin got very very dark blown color!! oh... i was thinking that i wont get sun burn this year, but... dumn... but i practiced tennis about 7 hours so l was able to hit the ball many many times. and next thing was today, i met my friend of my high school. she was member of tennis club too. we talked a lot about our school life. we ate spagetti at italian restaurant and drank frapetino at starbacks. it was delicious!! i had a toce time with my friend. tomorrow is school day so i have to sleep well!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

mothers day

yesterday was mothers day! did everyone gave or do something to your mom?! i had an errand in yokohama to get my tennis racket, so i also bought present and a bouquet for my mother!! aftere i got back to home, i gave them by seclet and... my mother said she was happy to have them!! also i made supecial dinner for mothers day. but all sunday i make dinnner for my family, so it was not so supecial thing. anyway i was quarrel with my mother and it continuing now, but this was good day.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


thesedays im very busy with tennis, part time job and school homework! but most dum thing is... i am having quarrel with my mother. i dont know why she is getting so angly about me, i cant understand the reason why she is angly with me. its very difficult to have good terms with parents than friend. hummmm anyway i have to talk with her and solve this situation. however i like to be out now. so when i am in tennis circle is the best place where i can relax.
by the way i was very surprised that my student at my part time job was sooooooooooooo clever!! they have full marks! so im worring of if i am good teacher. anyway i have my part time job tommorrow too, so i have to prepare for it!!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

my friend

today, i talked and played with my friend at high school. we went to hmv to buy CD. after that, we went to the restaurant and talked about three hours. we ate chinese food like harumaki, shark fin soup and noodle. that restaurant was very cheap that one food cost just three hundred yen. i and my friend was very surprised and happy! we talked about my school life, my friends art and english schools life, love and lots. we can talk as long as we have time!! girls talk are fun!! anyway friend who played today has her own thinking of the life, so when i talk with her i learn lots of other idea that i was thinking. i think i am blessed with friend so i want to care about them for ever.
anyway tomorrow i will go to the gim and train my body for tennis!! so ill sleep in early time. good night...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

tennis circle

i went to tennis circle "unicorn" to practice tennis.
today, in the morning, i was very disappointed about todays raining because these days, it is always raining when i am planning to go to practice tennis.
however the rain stoped in the afternoon, so i was able to play tennis. i went to tennis court with my friend who is being nice to me, and there was many seniors and that was my second happy thing. also many first grade ferris students was visiting tennis court for study how the unicorn act. i think many students will enter unicorn this year.
by the way i played tennis so much today, and it was high humidity, i got wet with sweat. oh its yakky. anyway i enjoyed tennis a lot today and got tired, so i think i can sleep well at night.
im looking forward to go to circle at saturday...
see you then... good night! have a good weekend!

Thursday, April 19, 2007 little unicorn!!

this "pink little unicorn mari" is made from my favorite things and myself.
first, pink is my most favorite color and i love it.
next, little is from my hight. my hight is 153cm, so i'm very samll. by the way, i thought little unicorn is cute!!
and the unicorn is the name of tennis circle that i will enter this spring. i like the member of unicorn and also i love tennis.
the last, mari is from my name. so... my name is mari tsukamoto.

my hobby is to play tennis, watch soccer games, shopping.....etc. and i also like to go to the pet shop to see some cute animals. to see dogs and cats will make me heal.
i don't like studying but only english and p.e. are my favorite subject. i like many kind of sports, especially to play tennis and soccer is fun for me. only for watching from tv, i like car race"F-1".

my plan for this blog is ... well ... i think i will write my daily life. for example, about tennis, part time job, school life or sorts.
i want to write as many time as i have time to touch computer.