Friday, May 23, 2008

high fever

from the day before yesterday, i caught a high fever!! it was my first time to have 39degrees!! i had a hard time for almost two days... and i absented school for two days too to go to hospital and also have a sleep. i think i have to learn from my friends what was done in the class. then, today i went to school but i had a bit high fever yet and i was tired of it. but i dont want to absent anymore classes, so i took my all classes and absented my part time job. i think i have to absent tommorrow tennis practice (if it not rains...) and also disney land i was planning to go the day after tommorrow (if it rains...). anyway, i have to cure myself from this bad fever in hurry!! do you know something good for body?!

the temperature are not well-ballanced, so be careful of bad illness!! and aslo may is almost over!! defeat the "gogatubyou"!


Tears said...

The weather is changeable.It's a pity that you had a high fever.Are you O.k. now? I hope you'll get well soon.

mjpichette said...

Oh, I know how you feel! A fever can just drain all your energy. Take care of yourself.